Wealthy Black Educator

Are you ready to join

the only community for

Black Educators

Taking their education



I get it…You were taught growing up that success meant getting a “good job”, working your way up that ladder, and retiring with a solid pension. That strategy worked for our parents and grandparents, and because they survived, we owe it to them to thrive…and thriving isn’t waiting 20+ years to make six-figures a year.

According to the Teacher Salary Project, the average starting salary for teachers in our country is $39,000; the average ending salary—after 25 years in the profession—is $67,000. What if I told you could make $67k in a month in your business? You could also make it in a week…and even a day. What takes 25 years in education could take less than 25 days in your business.

You’ve been told you didn’t get into it for the money. Isn’t it funny that they don’t say that to doctors and lawyers? Money is a source of power, and believing you didn’t get into it for the money is one of the ways we give up our power. 

“What our people need is a few more millionaires.” 

- Madame CJ Walker

Are you ready for clear guidance and coaching that can accelerate your revenue to 7-figures?

Is it time for you to start working ON your business instead of IN your business?

Are you looking for a community of like-minded Black education consultants focused on BIG impact and a BIG bank account?

If your answer is hell yes, then let’s get started.

I personally invite you to join the
Wealthy Black Educator™ Mastermind!

We understand that your journey to a 7-figure business is about the profits AND about fostering a thriving community of like-minded individuals who share your passion and purpose. That’s why we created the Wealthy Black Educator (WBE) Mastermind, a 12-month mastermind community that provides community, coaching, and curriculum to expedite your business to and through the 7-figure mark!
This mastermind is for you if:
  •  You identify as a Black educator and you have already made six-figures in a year and/or are hitting consistent four-figure months in your education consulting business and you are ready for the next level
  • You know $100k in revenue is a milestone but it’s not enough to have the impact you seek to make in your life and in this work…you are ready to normalize making six-figures in a quarter and month…
  • ​You literally can’t afford to take a break from your business because if you walk away your business stops...
  • ​You know you need a team but you are not sure which team member to hire next and hiring an employee feels scary AF…
  • You feel like you have little control over your revenue because you are mostly relying on referrals…
  • ​You receive a monthly profit & loss statement but you have no idea what you should be doing with it…or maybe you aren’t receiving a monthly profit & loss statement yet…
As you can imagine, a community for Black educators built by a Black educator is different. Because we know nothing other than high-quality learning experiences for students and adults, we built the WBE Mastermind around two core frameworks. 
The first is our 7-FigurED™ Roadmap where we outline the three stages of business on the way to 7-figures; 1.) a six-figure year 2.) a six-figure quarter and 3.)a six-figure month. These three stages allow us to differentiate our coaching and curriculum to meet the needs of you and your business. 
The second is our WBE business framework where we have identified the pillars of business. Based on your stage of business identified by the 7-FigurED™ roadmap, we will identify your priorities and immediate action steps for your business. 
The first is our 7-FigurED™ Roadmap where we outline the three stages of business on the way to 7-figures; 1.) a six-figure year 2.) a six-figure quarter and 3.)a six-figure month. These three stages allow us to differentiate our coaching and curriculum to meet the needs of you and your business. 
The second is our WBE business framework where we have identified the pillars of business. Based on your stage of business identified by the 7-FigurED™ roadmap, we will identify your priorities and immediate action steps for your business. 

What’s in store for you in the WBE Mastermind?

Wealthy Black Educator provides intimate coaching and business development with Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas and her team. Dr. EJT is an award-winning educator, entrepreneur and business coach who has generated over a million dollars in her business.

The WBE Mastermind grants access to a community of high-performing edupreneur peers and to Dr. EJT’s network of trusted service providers (Attorneys, CPAs, Marketing Experts, etc.) that are necessary to grow your business.

In this 12-month program you will experience a deep sense of belonging and personalized support cultivated through peer masterminding, intense business development training, high-quality coaching and targeted mindset support to expedite the alignment of your beliefs with your business goals and community accountability. 

Now I know what you’re thinking. 

“This all sounds great, and I’m excited… but I want to know more cause I’m honestly a smidge skeptical. I think this could help me but I’m not entirely sure and maybe I should talk with my sister’s husband’s cousin’s dog walker first because they mentioned something like this…”

First, I get it. I’ve been where you are and I would’ve wanted more info too.
I’m just that kind of person.

Some call it curious. Some call it nosey. I call it getting all the facts.

Second, there is literally nothing like this out there. I can say that confidently, because this Mastermind has been created by someone who has been there and knows what’s required for repeated breakthroughs as you go from one level to the next.

This mastermind is exactly the type of support I wish I had when I was starting out.
We are going to take your business by storm with not only the mastermind itself, but with all the exclusive goodness you’ll have access to…

Here’s what’s Included in the Mastermind:

Access to the WBE Mastermind Curriculum - You will unlock access to our bank of workshops aligned on the WBE business framework. 
These workshops include:
7-FigurED™ Marketing
7-FigurED™ Sales Calls
7-FigurED™ Webinars
7-FigurED™ Strategic Planning
7-FigurED™ Proposals
7-FigurED™ Budgeting
And so much more! 
Access to the Get LaunchED Consulting™ 12-module Curriculum - You will receive access to Get LaunchED Consulting™’s 12-module curriculum, our foundational business development program, to provide you the resources to tighten up any leaky holes in the foundation of your business. 

Monthly Q&A Call with Dr. EJT - This is the time to pull up and ask all your questions specific to your business. And if you pull up with Powerpoint slides, a sales page, or email sequence and decided to share your screen for feedback, I won’t be mad at ya! 

Monthly Hot Seat Calls - The beauty of the mastermind is the wisdom in learning from your peers which is why we host a monthly hot seat call for you to bring a big question in your business that you are chewing on and get in the hot seat to receive feedback from your peers. Think of it like a PLC meeting with a side of consultancy protocol. 

Quarterly Co-Working Calls - Strategic planning is key to the success of your business which is why we host quarterly co-working calls to provide you the time and community support for quarterly action planning.

Quarterly Private 1-on-1 Strategy Calls - You will receive a private strategy call each quarter to review your progress towards your business strategy for the year and receive feedback from one of our coaches on how to maximize the next quarter. 

Two (2) in-person Mastermind Client Only Retreats - Twice a year, you’ll join Dr. EJT and other members of the WBE community for in-person strategic planning and continued intrapersonal work to ensure you are on track to meet your next money milestone. These retreats allow you to deepen your relationships with other mastermind members which will serve as the energy injection in your business to keep pushing through.  

Complimentary Ticket to Our Annual Live Event - You will receive a complimentary general admission ticket to our annual live event in late September.

Private Online Client Community - Designed to be a private space for you to engage with other mastermind members, receive feedback from your peers, and cultivate community connections. 

Sounds too good to be true, right? 

“Well if I am lyin’, I am flyin’. With the way that your impact and revenue will grow as the result of the Wealthy Black Educator mastermind, your world won’t know what hit it. 


Meet Your Coach

Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas is Founder and CEO, EJT Consulting LLC established in October 2017 while she served as a middle school principal. Within 8 months of launching her education consulting business, she paid off $15,000 of credit card debit and established three months of savings. Fast forward to today, she leads a team of five, including 4 employees. Her business has generated over a million dollars and has hit six-figures in a year, quarter and month. She has helped over 400 educators across the country grow their own education consulting business and secure 4-, 5-, and 6-figure contracts.

Erica began her career in education teaching high school math in Charlotte, North Carolina. She went on to serve as an assistant principal and middle school principal in Charlotte, North Carolina. Under her leadership as principal, she implemented equitable practices such as restorative practices, school-wide implementation of the International Baccalaureate program, and an extended day high school credit program that increased high school credit options. Consequently, her school grew to be ranked #2 out of 43 middle schools in the district for their growth in English language arts and #3 in the district for their growth in science.

Erica is a proud alumna of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s in Textiles and Clothing. She holds a Master’s degree in Instructional Leadership from Relay Graduate School of Education and doctorate in education leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education. 


What's the weekly time commitment?
Normalizing six-figure quarters and months takes consistent focus and commitment. Each month you will receive the tools necessary to move your business forward. Your success in growing your business will be dependent on making intentional time to work ON your business vs. IN your business. Therefore, we recommend you reserve at least 2-4 hours per week to engage in mastermind content and interact in our private community group.

How long will it take me to make 7-figures?
It depends. The truth is it depends on YOU. When you are consistent, show up for coaching calls, leverage the community, complete and implement the curriculum, ask questions when you get stuck and execute, you can do it in 36 months.

How long will I have access to the course material?
You will have access to the course material for 12-months, unless you pay in full. If you pay-in-full you will receive 13-months of access to the course materials. We encourage you to think of your enrollment in the WBE mastermind as a long term commitment. Given that it takes around 36 months to grow to 7-figures, we encourage our mastermind members to prepare for a multi-year commitment to the community.

You will have the option to renew access prior to your enrollment expiring. If you choose not to renew, you will lose access to course materials once your enrollment expires.

Is travel and lodging for in-person retreats included in enrollment?
No, travel and lodging for in-person retreats is not included in enrollment. Therefore, you are responsible for arranging your own travel and accommodations.

I have a Virtual Assistant/Executive Assistant/Operations lead who will support me with the execution of my learnings. Will they be able to access the content?
You will be able to add one admin./operations team member to our curriculum platform to share access to the content. You are also welcome to invite this person to our virtual retreats at no additional cost. You are welcome to invite them to our in-person retreat at an additional cost.

What is the refund policy?
We want you to be successful in your business. Your success in the program will be directly dependent on your commitment to the course and your effort to implement the strategies shared in the course. Given this, the program fee is nonrefundable.

So will you keep settling for making six figures in a year when you know you could do it in 90 days or even 30 days? Apply today to join the Wealthy Black Educator Mastermind!